If you want to bang away at your MGM Dueling Tree with a centerfire rifle, the Armor Guard/Rifle Shield for Dueling Tree 6 Plate is the hot ticket!! If you landed on this page and don’t have a dueling tree yet, here’s a link to the best one in the business!! Armor Guard/Rifle Shield for Dueling Tree 6 Plate. If you want the 6 plate trees little brother, here is a link to the 4 plate dueling tree.
The Shields for the Dueling Trees bolt on and most of them are installed at the factory. If you purchased the Tree earlier and want to make it more durable (so you can shoot it with rifles) the Shields will accomplish that for you. We use Grade 8 carriage bolts (the hardest bolts you can buy) to hold the shields in place. You will need to drill holes in the Tree main post to attach the shields. The best way to get this done is to lay it down on it’s back and clamp a shield on one side. Then, take a ½” drill bit and drill through the holes in the shields just enough to mark the post. You are NOT going to drill through it just yet, you are just going to mark it with the drill bit. Then, remove that bit and insert a smaller 3/16” or a ¼” drill bit. Drill a “pilot hole” though the post with the smaller bit, then drill it again with the larger bit. The smaller bit will make it easier to drill through the post, And it will make it easier to drill the larger hole as well. Even with changing the drill bits, it will be faster! You’ll love this addition, thank you for your business!
Dueling Tree sold separately.
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